Posts tagged with the madness of light - Page 2

The Madness of Light Hardcover Copy

The Madness of Light Hardcover Copy

So...long story short: TMOL was so long that I couldn't make a normal paperback copy. So I had to make a hardcover copy. That messed things up a bit with getting the book finished as I had to figure out how to make a hardcover cover. The 'bleed' areas are much larger with a hardcover version so I had to move text around and make it smaller against the artwork. I found my way, though. The final version is going...

The Madness of Light Blurb Posted

The Madness of Light Blurb Posted

I've pulled my stuff together, guys. I'm so close to finishing The Madness of Light I can taste it. And I finished the blurb so the page is up. It'll be ready to share in a few weeks. Also, teaser: This one necessitates a hard cover copy so at least for a little while one could buy hard cover copies of it once I get it done. BE PREPARED.

The Madness of Light: Choices and Process

The Madness of Light: Choices and Process

I made a video of me talking about my writing! I'm so proud of myself. It's about The Madness of Light, my writing process through it, and my general feelings. It's a long video, but I thought it was interesting talking it through. Thanks.

The Madness of Light (Book Six) Cover Art

The Madness of Light (Book Six) Cover Art

Book six. I'm really getting there. Before the first draft was even finished, I did the cover. I've been sitting on this post for a few months now because The Madness of Light is proving to be as complex and tricky as I knew it would. I also knew exactly what I wanted out of the cover for this work. Which was a far simpler task than actually writing the thing. Like Expansion Expression, the cover is concrete. What is...